Monday, March 11, 2013

Rock N Roll Dallas Half Marathon - March 25, 2012

I had heard a lot of good things about the Rock N Roll Marathon series so when I saw a coupon code for the Rock N Roll Dallas Half Marathon I jumped on it.  I arrived into Dallas on Saturday afternoon and headed straight to the convention center for the expo to pick up my race packet.  The expo was awesome and there was tons of amazing and tempting merch.  I couldn't help myself and picked up a really nice 13.1 shirt.  There was a lot more that I wanted but I retrained myself.

From the start I was impressed with how organized the race was.  The runners were separated into about 15 different corrals by pace.  Each corral started off a minute or two apart and the staggered start was perfect because crowding was never really an issue.

As promised there was a local band performing approximately every mile.  There were also lots of local pep squads, cheerleaders and other school organizations to cheer the runners on and add to the atmosphere.  There were plenty of aide stations and volunteers.

I felt good and finished the race strong with a nice PR.  The race volunteers at the finish were amazing and I received a new favorite finisher perk; the volunteers were handing out cold, wet towels to the finishers which was a nice way to cool down after a hot run.  The medal and participant tech shirt were very well designed and are current favorites of mine.

I will definitely be participating in another Rock N Roll Marathon race and recommending them to friends.

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