Monday, March 11, 2013

Monster Mash 10K - October 27, 2012

The Monster Mash 10K and Kids K took place on the Saturday before Halloween at Sam Houston Raceway Park.  It was my first race in months and I was a bit rusty after a lazy, relaxing summer.  As soon as I heard about this race I had to sign up because the lure of a glow-in-the-dark zombie race medal was something I'd never be able to resist!

Halloween is my favorite time of year so Harper and I got costumes special for the race.  I went as a taco and Harper chose to run as Darth Vader.  There was a costume contest, but we didn't enter; we just enjoyed the race.  

The weather was beautiful.  It was a cold, sunny day and the winds made it nearly impossible to keep my sombrero on my head.  I felt really good and had a great time but since I hadn't been running with much regularity I clocked my worst 10K time.

Harper killed her Kid's K!  I was so proud of her because she ran every step without a single complaint.  She was focused on getting the awesome medal she was due.

I will definitely do this race again.  The race medal and tech shirt were awesome and are my current favorites.  The logos on both feature a glow-in-the-dark zombie! 

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