Monday, March 11, 2013

Bayou City Classic 10K - March 9, 2013

Team Zissou at the Bayou City Classic 10k 2013, Houston, Texas

The Bayou City Classic 10k kicked off in downtown Houston at Tranquility Park.  The race benefits city parks and trails so it the perfect race for every Houston runner to support. 

This year I got together a team to run in centipede competition for the race.  To compete as a centipede you need a team of six or more attached, costumed runners.  We had a team of seven awesome ladies and we ran as Team Zissou from the Wes Anderson film The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.  We made our costumes out of nurse's scrubs and I made a foam board submarine for us to run with.

Don't worry.  I am only packing cardboard weaponry.

We had a great time and a lot of people really loved our costumes.  Granted, some people did think we were nurses driving a school bus, but the cooler Houstonians we encountered loved out tribute to Team Zissou and we received tons of compliments.

To top off a really fun run we won the centipede competition for Best Movie Centipede (not of The Human Centipede variety--ick)!

I love being a winner!

The post-race party was nice and featured free Saint Arnold's beer.  What more could you want out of a run?  There were lots of snacks to be had as well, but all I really need after a good run is a beer!  The 10k race shirts were very nice gender specific tech shirts.  I will definitely be doing this race again next year and hopefully we will be kicking centipede-ass again!

Team Zissou pre-race at the Bayou City Classic 10k

Team Zissou pose!

Every member of Team Zissou receives a glock.  The interns all share one.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your comments Minela. Two of my New Year's resolutions were to run more and write (blog) more. Your posts have reminded me of both! Thanks for that!
