Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lookin' Good Shamrock Strut 10K - March 17, 2012

The Lookin' Good Shamrock Strut 5K, 10K and Kids K takes place around St. Patrick's Day every year and is organized by the Houston Eye Associates Foundation.  Kate and I participated in the 10K and Harper ran the Kids 1K, despite a few small issues this was a great event that I would definitely participate in again.

I love a themed race and any excuse for costumes, so we happily dressed the part!  Most of the runners and walkers were dressed up or at least wearing green.  The course was flat and easy, though the temperatures on Saturday were a bit warmer than we had gotten used to during the winter months.  Everyone was in really good spirits and that goes a long way for me during a race.

The problem with this event was the race timing.  An issue with the timing company resulted in no finisher results for several days after the completion of the race.  For someone shooting for and close to a PR this was kind of a pain in the butt and inconvenience.  It was truly bad for those who would win or place because they were unable to recieve official results and therefore unable to give out awards to those winners.

Harper, running her heart out.

Still this was a great, family-friendly race.  There were games and bounce houses and tons of other fun things for the kids to do.  I will definitely participate in the Shamrock Strut again!


  1. I love that Harper's starting the good habit early!

    1. Me too! I hope I can keep her active through those lazy teen years that will be here before we know it!
